Publishing template and bibliographic standard
- The entire text of the study has to be submitted to the editorial board in Slovak language (Czech language or Polish language are acceptable, too) and also in English language.
- The study is to be sent in electronic form in WORD and PDF format. Font size is 12; font type is Times New Roman; line spacind is 1,5; text alignment is to the left margin.
- Title of study is in Times New Roman, font size – 14, bold.
- Specific parts of the study (chapters) are in Times New Roman, font size 12, bold.
- Special parts of the study (chapters) have no folio number.
- You need to submit abstract and keywords in English language and Slovak language.
- Titles as well as quotations from /the/ primary sources have to be in italics, quotes from the works are in quotation marks.
Quotations below are required to be written this way
- Monograph: LAST NAME, First name: Name of the study. Publication city: Publishing company, year of publication, quoted page / pages.
- Studies from almanach: LAST NAME, First name: Name of the cited study. In: LAST NAME, First name of autor: Title of the study from which the contribution is quoted. Publication city: Publishing company, year of publication, quoted page.
- Contributions published in journals: LAST NAME, First name: Name of quoted study. In: Title of magazine, volume, publication year, number, quoted pages.
- If the quoted study has more than one author, each author starts with LAST NAME, First name. Each author is separated with dash.
- If there are more than three authors of study, only the first author´s name is to be published (eventually first three names). Other names may be omitted. In this case, after the last name abbreviation “a i.” or more precisely “Et al.” is written. The names of each author are separated by dash. If name of the author is not in document, title of study is placed first.
- If the contribution is re-quoted, use: Ref.: Number of original quotation in study, page (if it differs from original quoted page).
- If study is part of the grant project, please state thanks to grant holder.
- After thanks to grant holder, state bibliography in alphabetical order. (Do not make difference between monographs, journals, etc., Only sources are accentuated. Method of used sources / bibliography is listed below.)
- Used literature is referred as Sources (if it is part od study) and Literature, font: Times New Roman, font size: 12, bold.
- Study includes abstract, keywords and resume.
- Study may include maximum 8 annexes. (tables, charts, photos, etc.)
- Annexes are to be sent as part of the text.
- If author needs to use more annexes, he/she should consult with editor.
- Annex label is to be placed under the appendix (table, graph, photo, etc.) this way: Tab. 1 description of the table, Fig. 1 description of figure, Graph 1 description of graph.
- Description of annexes is in: Times New Roman, size 12, italics, marking the annex – bold (see above).
- The conclusion of study has author (s) contact (s).
Bibliographic standard
(For used literature listed below the study. Do not separate into monographs, magazines, etc. Only sources are accentuated. Difference of the literature serves here only for clarification and it shows standard!)
Scientific monographs published in homecountry:
LAST NAME, First name: Title. Publication city: Publisher, Year, Number of Pages.
Chapters in scientific monographs, chapters in book publications or in domestic / foreign almanacs:
LAST NAME, First name: Title. In: Author of monography/ author (s) of almanac (ed.): Monography name. Publication city: Publisher, Year, Pages.
Scientific studies published in scientific journals:
LAST NAME, First name: Name of study. In: Title of magazine, volume, publication year, number, page number.
LAST NAME, First name of reviewer: LAST NAME, First name of rewied author: Title of study. Publication city: Publisher, publication year. In: Name of the magazine where the review was published, volume, publication year, number, pages.